Monday, July 23, 2012

Closing in on Week 2!

My apologies for dropping the ball on blogging for the remainder of Week 1 and for all of Week 2. However, I have great news! I went in for my first weigh-in (before the start of Week 2) and I had lost 6.3 lb.! This may not seem like a significant number, but for me, I was ecstatic! I have often read the importance of losing a slow, steady amount of weight when dieting healthily. This is usually only 1-2 lb. per week. I can't remember where I read it exactly, but I remember Medi mentioning that the average person loses approximately 7 lb. the first week. 

Since I have missed a number of key things that have happened these first 2 weeks, I will break up this blog entry to keep things organized. 

Remainder of Week 1
I had mentioned on Day 1 that I was hungry. Well, let's be completely honest: I was hungry...for the first 3-4 days. Many people report that the appetite suppressants help decrease their hunger a lot, but I think for me, my body was really adjusting to eating only 500-700 protein calories a day, and not eating, well, junk. The 2nd evening, I got an awful pounding headache and I ended up staying in bed all of day 3. It wasn't pretty. However, I am happy to report that after that day (toward the evening), I was beginning to feel a lot better and haven't felt like that again. I tested for ketosis a day early, and found that I was at the wanted Moderate (40) 4.0 level a day before I was expected to be! This was exciting to me, because I knew from my Week 1 packet that the way ketosis helps me lose weight is by inducing my body to use fatty tissue as a source of energy. They explain that "restricting calories and carbohydrates will induce the body to use fatty tissue as a source of energy. When the state of ketosis is combined with a protein-rich diet, fat is burned, and muscle tissue is protected." 

Here is a picture of the back of the Ketone Test Strips bottle. The underlined mauve colored box is where they want me to be. Getting any darker may indicate that I am dehydrated and need to drink more water.
I did find myself really thinking about food a lot--and I still am. At first, it was thinking about the food I couldn't have. Then I began thinking about the food I could have, and what I would eat the next morning. Then it changed to what I can make to spruce up my options. I found the Medi Signature Patient Website (which provides online tools and education for members) to be very helpful. It tracks your progress (weigh-ins), and also provides nutritional and fitness information. The nutritional section is great; it has recipes (divided into phases of the diet, such as Acute, which is the weight-loss phase I'm in now), as well as a food nutrition database.

Here's a glimpse at the Signature Patient Website.
The week did get easier as I went on. I found it really helpful to check online for advice and nutritional info. It was difficult on the weekend since my dad was visiting me from out of town, and one thing we always like to do (as a family) is to go out to eat. It's actually really interesting to see how much of my social activity with my friends, family, and boyfriend, seemed to scale down when I am not allowed to go out to eat or get drinks! This is where the internet has come in handy! I didn't want this to spoil my time with my dad, but I didn't want to ruin my diet plan either. I have been on a mission and have refused to cheat, even for one night. I realized that many restaurants had at one point bought into the Atkins craze, and started searching for "low-carb" menu options. What I've found is that many chain restaurants do provide nutritional information online now. I have yet to find one that actually carries a handout at the restaurant to look at, but this is where your iPhone comes in handy! There are also a number of message boards where people share info and advice on menu options: where to go, what to ask for, what to stick to, what to avoid, etc. We ended up going to a very fancy restaurant (much more fancy and expensive than I had expected or planned!) and I was able to eat filet mignon and grilled shrimp. Oddly, this expensive restaurant's entrees do not come with sides--you have to order them (family style) separately. This worked out for me, since I didn't have any delicious sides staring at me on my plate that I couldn't eat. However...that was a killer! I settled by staring at it, smelling it, and knowing that by not eating it, I was losing weight! I actually went out the next evening with a friend and very much enjoyed some sea scallops and shrimp as well.

One thing to keep in mind about restaurants is that they try to follow diet and nutritional crazes...meaning, since the Atkins craze is not as popular as it was earlier in the decade, many menus are focusing more on other crazes now. This can be frustrating when you're specifically looking for low-carb options. There are menus that provide "Points" that go along with Weight Watchers, and menus that are basically catered toward "lighter" or "healthier" fares. It's important for any diet to look at the nutritional menu to make sure the foods you are considering fit into the diet plan you have. For me, I was looking for lean protein sources (low in saturated fat, high in protein, low in carbs, low in sodium, low in sugars).

How about beverages?
I am a Diet Coke in addicted...but the diet asks that you restrict your servings of carbonated beverages to 16 oz. a day. (This is about a can and a half.) This has been easier than I thought, as we are required to drink so much water (the more water, the better), and 32 oz. of sugar-free electrolyte-enhanced beverages as well. I found it easiest to get those large bottles of Smartwater, which takes care of those electrolytes (and is also water). I'm not much for flavored un-carbonated beverages or sports drinks, but do like the Vitamin Water Zero in the Squeezed (lemonade) flavor. I also enjoy those Crystal Light On the Go packets that you can add to your regular-sized water bottles. (I'm boring though, and stick to lemonade and tea flavors.) Actually, the first day or two, I was cutting out soda completely and found that I needed that little bit of caffeine (to offset incoming headaches) and had to force myself to have a Diet Coke one night while watching a movie with my boyfriend. (I am hoping to wean myself of the caffeine habit eventually.)

Blood test results...dundundun
I was surprised to get a call from my P.A. during the middle of the week, a few days after the blood test. She told me not to be alarmed, but there were a couple levels on my test results that were slightly above or below normal. The first one (and biggest one) for me was that my thyroid (TSH) levels were high. To me, this was somewhat of a relief. When you have high TSH levels, it can indicate hypothyroidism, which can explain why you may have a lower metabolism (i.e., difficulty losing weight; unexpected weight gain), and also why you are often tired. (There's a number of other symptoms, but these two are the ones that hit home for me.) My levels are not significantly out of the normal range, but enough for her to suggest that I follow up with my primary care physician, who felt that I should try taking a synthetic thyroid hormone. I am currently taking it and will follow up with blood work in about 6 weeks. (We'll see how this helps!) I have 2 friends who found out this past year that they had hypothyroidism as well. They've both had significant improvements to their well-being with the addition of thyroid hormones (and one has lost a significant amount of weight).

I also discovered that my Potassium levels were low (which will need to be re-tested again in 6 weeks) and can explain why I sometimes get muscle cramps or Charlie Horses. I also found out that my Triglycerides and LDL Cholesterol were a bit hight. We are hoping that I can solve these three issues by eating healthier foods. I am trying to incorporate more foods with Potassium (such as fish) into my diet, and also cutting out on those fatty foods (of course).

Who turned on the air?
One thing that my boyfriend and I both noticed within the first few days is that I was starting to feel cold! I have definitely been very hot natured these past few years, and always have my AC on (even in the winter). I also tend to sweat a lot (more than others). I've found myself to be turning the temperature up, wearing sweatshirts, turning off my ceiling fans (which seem to be on permanently), etc. My boyfriend is enjoying this because he was always freezing in my apartment. I looked this up online and saw that others have experienced this as well during ketosis. It was suggested that your body is burning energy more efficiently, which may result in the cool feeling. Not sure, but I'm okay with not sweating and being hot all the time! It's much easier to just put on a layer, rather than take one off and still be HOT!

I do remember being cold a lot as a child and as a younger, thinner me. I was always shivering and freezing in restaurants, always asking friends for blankets when having movie nights. Maybe all the weight I gained, and all that unhealthy food I ate, contributed to my "hot" period. I'll be glad to be rid of it forever! I much prefer feeling normal, and not sweating to death in the southern heat.

Week 1 conclusions and suggestions

  • It sucks at first--but stick to it! It does get easier as the week goes on, and Week 2 (when you begin to add 2 servings of vegetables) really is so much better!
  • Ask your family, friends, coworkers, etc. to support you! I asked my boyfriend to encourage me throughout this process--text messages, notes--and to discourage me from cheating or making unhealthy choices.
  • Ask questions! The girls at my clinic have been wonderful and helpful. The P.A. I work with has always returned my calls in a timely manner and has been more than willing to answer my many questions.
  • Don't weigh yourself! As tempting as it may be, it's much better to weigh yourself once a week (same time of day, same day of the week, same scale). I am leaving this to my clinic! They have that awesome scale that gives me my Tanita, the scale is a lot nicer than my scale at home (confirmed by family and friends who have had unpleasant surprises when weighing themselves here). 
  • Get a sweater! I have been wearing my favorite hoodie A LOT!
  • Go shopping! Make a grocery list of foods and ingredients you will need, and make sure your fridge is stocked so that you have options and are not tempted by unhealthy foods. (I cleaned out my fridge and cabinets of expired and unhealthy foods. I gave the stuff that was still good to my boyfriend who really enjoyed it since his fridge and cabinets are always empty. My clinic also has an option where you can bring in a bag of food for donations, and receive a discount on your visit that day.)
  • Last but not least, be excited about your first week's weight-loss achievement! Your hard work really does pay off!!!
I will write more about my experiences during Week 1-2 in my next entry so as not to bore anyone. Right now it is 6:43 on a Monday morning (my next weigh-in is tomorrow at noon), so I will try to get my entry about Week 2 in this evening!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 1...ketosis bound!

I went in for my 8:45am blood draw and then headed to Bed Bath & Beyond to get a digital scale. They had a number of options, and unfortunately I didn't really do any research before getting there. I did a quick mobile search on my iPhone and settled on the Oxo Good Grips Food Scale. It was a bit pricey ($49.99) but I prefer quality items, and I liked that it had a slim design, and had a removable stainless steel platform that can be put through the dishwasher. I also had the famous 20% coupon, which made it $39.99--even better!

I then headed to Walgreens to return a hair item I bought last week, and to pick up a large pill organizer. I decided since I will be taking supplements 3-4x a day that I needed to organize them or I'd never be able to remember. I wish I had gotten a larger size, as the supplements are a bit bigger than I expected, but I also wanted something slim to be able to travel with or carry in my purse if need be. I found one that has 4 compartments per day (Morn, Noon, Eve, Bed), and where each day can be conveniently removed for travel. Bonus: I found one purple one hidden behind the blue ones. (Purple is my favorite color!)

Big pills!
So let's be honest -- I'm hungry! I did not get any jittery feelings or heart palpitations from the appetite suppressant the way I expected, so I went ahead with the 3 dosages (approximately 30-60 minutes before each meal). They seemed to be working at the beginning of the day, but not so much as the day wore on. Granted, I have somewhat been "obsessing" over food, and thinking about it, I am probably making myself hungrier. I'm going to keep it up and see how it goes.

It is interesting keeping the food journal. I am counting serving sizes (ounces with my handy new scale!), calories, hunger ratings, etc. It's a bit of a commitment, and something I will need to push myself to keep up with, but I guess it will become more routine as I go. 

It is the size of a checkbook.

I really hope I will get used to the lower calories and the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables and BREAD! At least this protein diet is only for one week. I definitely got some Kroger CARBmaster Yogurt, as recommended by my nutritionist. I am not a huge greek yogurt fan (which is recommended for the week), and I am especially not a fan of plain greek yogurt--gross! The Kroger CARBmaster Yogurt is allowed, as it has a minimal amount of carbs (4g) per serving. I also bought plenty of freshly sliced deli meats (low-sodium if given the option), and a number of turkey products: pepperoni, sausage patties, sausage links, burgers, hot dogs. I found the Heinz Reduced Sugar Ketchup which is also low carb. I got some spices (Mrs. Dash, curry, etc.), some Wish-Bone Salad Spritzers, low-fat cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, low-fat string cheese, sugar-free Jell-o, SmartWater (for electrolytes, since I don't like flavored sports drinks), Parkay spray, eggs, All Whites, smoked salmon, and a jar of snack-sized dill pickles.

I thought the girl was weird when she told me to wrap deli meat around a pickle spear, but it was really good (and fun too). I like the little snack pickles and 3 of them is a 1 oz. serving with ZERO calories. I'm not sure, but I think I can eat as many pickles as I want. (Need to check on that.) 

Anyway, I should eat dinner now; my schedule is a bit off today due to the fasting and morning blood draw and shopping trip. I am pretty hungry, and possibly developing a headache (which occurs when I don't eat...enough), but I have seen so many people say they were not hungry on the plan, so I'm willing to give it some time. Stay tuned.


Initial consultation and ketosis

As of 2 minutes ago I began my fast. I am fasting (nothing but water starting at 12:00 midnight) so that I can have my blood analysis done in the morning. This is scheduled for 8:45am, and then I am free to begin Day 1 of Week 1.

I was able to schedule my initial consultation for 3:00pm today. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to search for  discount coupon, but I was told that these are sometimes available online or in the local newspaper. 

When I arrived, I met with the lady whom I spoke with on the phone. I had already filled out my admission paperwork at home and brought it with me. I gave a urine sample, and signed some papers, and had my blood pressure taken. I then received my Tanita Slip, which is a print out of my body composition analysis. The numbers showed me my distribution of body weight (lean body mass vs. fat mass). Specific details included Fat%, Fat-Free Mass or FFM (which is composed of muscle, bone, tissue, water), Total Body Water or TBW, Body Mass Index or BMI (a height-to-weight ratio), Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR (total bony energy expended by the body to maintain normal functions at rest), and Fat Mass (total weight of fat mass in the body). 

Here is my first Tanita Slip!

After going over these levels, she gave me 2 injections: Medi-Bolic Booster (a proprietary formula containing a combination of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids specifically designed for the program) and Vitamins B6/B1 combo (which boosts metabolism, increases energy, and enhances the immune and nervous systems). The Medi-Bolic Booster was pretty painless, but the B6/B1 combo was serious! Let me explain that these were given in my left buttock area! (I have not had any injections given there since I was in elementary school!) The needle prick was not all that bad, but the feeling of the injection was pretty...unexpected. It burned a little, and is still a bit sore even now, 9 hours later.

Next she took my Before photo (which I didn't look at), and then I was led into another exam room and undressed for my EKG. After my EKG was done (2 were taken), she gave me a reusable bag with some goodies inside and I went into another exam room to await my physical. My physical was performed by a Physician's Assistant, or PA. She was very nice and asked me a lot of questions regarding my personal and family medical history, as well as medications and lifestyle habits. She gave me a basic physical exam and also talked to me in detail about the use of an Appetite Suppressant. These are not prescribed to everybody, but were something we both felt would be helpful for me. 

Next, I met with a nutritionist. She was also very nice and really funny. She explained all of the supplements to me, as well as what I will be doing for my first week. I am going to begin the Acute Phase tomorrow, and for Week 1, she explained, I will be eating only a recommended amount of protein, and no carbohydrates, to ideally enter a moderate level of ketosis. I did not know what ketosis was, and she explained it to me: it signifies that you are burning fatty tissue and that your stored carbohydrates have been depleted. I will check my ketones in the middle of the week to see if I'm there. I was also recommended to limit my exercise, or not exercise at all this week. I'm okay with that!

We went over some suggested foods, some banned foods, some sample menus, as well as a daily plan for meals and supplements. When she finished answering all of my questions, I was finished and ready to check out. 

We had decided that I would have my blood analysis done the next day so I'd have a chance to fast (as needed) but also before entering into the ketosis stage, as I want to get levels when my body is normal. I am curious to see how my iron levels are, as I've previously had low levels.

So right now, it's 12:37am, and my butt is still a bit sore. I'm only allowed to drink water now until my blood analysis at 8:45am, and then I will be heading to the grocery store to purchase the foods I will be eating this week, and I will be getting started!

I have decided to take some of my own Before photos, and am posting them (gasp) on here so that I have something to look back on. 

I actually looked decent in this bikini last summer, but I am probably a good 15 lb. heavier this year. I am most unsatisfied with my stomach/hips, upper thighs, and upper arms. I also wouldn't mind losing a cup size!
This is a cute dress I bought at the beginning of summer. My goal is to look good in it by the end of the summer/early fall. I want to feel comfortable with my stomach area and exposed arms.

Monday, July 9, 2012

And the journey begins...

Today I decided I want to lose weight. 

Okay, that's a lie. I have always wanted to lose weight. In fact, I can remember being just six years old, sitting at the pool with the other kids in gym class, and thinking my thighs were too big.

I had always been "slightly chubby" until I was 15 years old. After moving to a new high school in a new state, becoming depressed, and starting to take dance classes again, I actually lost weight. For the first time in my life, I stopped obsessing about losing weight or what I was eating, and somehow I went from 135 lb. (at 5'3") down to 110-115 lb. without even trying. How frustrating is that?!

I have to be honest: it was amazing to be told I was skinny all the time. I loved being told how  thin I was. I loved fitting into size smalls, size zeros, wearing a bikini (for the first time!) 

Unfortunately, this did not last. I started gaining weight sometime during my sophomore year of college. I had gone through a bad break up, gotten depressed, begun taking antidepressants, etc. While I got stronger mentally, my body changed. My metabolism was different. My lifestyle was different. My body was different.

Since this time, I have somehow gained weight and been at a steady 150 lb. (+/- 5 lb.) for the past 6 years. I tried NutriSystem at one point but could not even get past a day of the food. It tasted awful. I dated a personal trainer and worked out incessantly. I tried Jenny Craig 1 and 1/2 times. The 1/2 because the last 2 times I tried it, I was not motivated at all. The first time, I lost 10 lb. and kept it off for about 9 months. I'm not gonna lie: I was really hungry during that diet. I signed up for Weight Watchers online and didn't even get past all the counting to even start. (Apparently, I hate math.)

So now here I am, summer 2012, age 27, weighing in around 155 lb. (still 5'3") and wanting to whittle myself down to a healthier 125 lb. I think that's a healthy goal for me. I won't be as "skinny" as I was in high school, wearing a size zero or size 2, but I will be at a healthy weight, a healthy BMI, and hopefully start feeling better (about myself!) Also, I am pretty sure the boy is going to be "popping the question soon" and while many girls try to lose weight before the wedding, I want to lose weight before the engagement pictures! What can I say? I'm vain.

The Medi Weightloss Clinic program
I actually thought about going to Jenny Craig today and signing up again, but wasn't all that excited about it. I was up at 5 am thinking about this! Somehow I stumbled across Medi online, while searching for something else, and saw the high ranked reviews. I skipped past the link, but eventually found myself returning to it. When I went to the website I was somewhat skeptical, not sure about starting and stopping another weight loss program and failing miserably at it. However, those reviews, many of them for my local center, were very motivating. I was intrigued. If you want to read about the program, check out their website to see what it's all about. I won't waste your time posting it here.

I was a bit worried about the price, but looked it up in a Google search and found approximate prices for clinics in other areas. I decided it was worth it to me. The website specifically states that prices vary by location, so if you are interested in trying this, you will want to contact your local clinic to get exact numbers, however, I calculated that it would be approximately $250-$300 for the initial 1.5 hour consultation, and $70-$80 for subsequent weekly visits until reaching my goal weight and entering the maintenance phase of $35/visit twice a month.

I know this is a chunk of change, but one thing that appealed to me was the doctor-prescribed appetite suppressants available if needed. I think my biggest problems with dieting failure is being hungry! Another thing that really appealed to me was Tara's weight loss story. While I think it's great when people lose 50-100+ lb., that is not realistic for me. I am overweight, but not obese. I could afford to lose 20-30 lb., which is substantial, but not overwhelming. Also, Tara lost weight right in time for her wedding, and in her Before and After photos, I felt we had a similar build. Well, right now it's just the Before photo...but I will get there!

So here I am, about to embark on this weight loss journey. I want to document it for myself, but also for anybody else who might be in the same boat. To prevent this introductory entry from getting any longer than it needs to be, I am going to write about my initial consult in a separate entry...but I wanted to state that I am not being paid to write this blog, nor am I in any way affiliated with Medi Weightloss Clinics except as a client/patient. I am just a normal girl, wanting to lose weight, and wanting to document it. Join me on my journey!
